Tack For Sale
Contact Nike Oliver E-mail nolive@tc3net.com or by phone 517-263-1267
Old Black Western Stock Saddle with silver
trim, 15" Tree intact ,a couple sparse
areas where the sheep's wool has worn just
wear with a good pad, includes all rigging
Asking $120
Contact Niki Oliver E-mail nolive@tc3net.com or by phone 517-263-1267
Brand New: Child's Pony Saddle, Black Tooled
Leather , Tappaduras
Asking $150
Contact Niki Oliver For Further Info and Pictures E-mail nolive@tc3net.com or by phone 517-263-1267
Please Foreword any tack you may have for
sale to Nike Oliver E-mail nolive@tc3net.com or by phone 517-263-1267