Behavior and Training
"Who's in Charge?" Look into the lives of horses will help you understand them and even their "language". |
"Aggressive Horses" Advice on handling and changing the behavior patterns of aggressive horses. |
Apples Online Horse Training Aspects of ground training. If possible respond to your emails about horse questions.. |
"Articles on Training" "Bitting Up your Horse", "Educating Start as Soon as They Hit the Ground". |
Double L Equestrian Clinics Training philosophies and shows how they really work. |
"Herd Bound" Herd behavior. . |
Horse Questions Invites your training questions and then presents both question and answer on the page. |
Horse Training the Natural Way Natural Horsemanship training. Includes a bookstore, articles and forums. |
"Let The Games Begin" Group riding activities that you can incorporate into your riding for skill-building and fun. |
"Mounting Problem in Horses" Hints and tips on re-training a horse who will not allow the rider to mount. |
"Obedience and Behavior" Some reasons why your horse isn't doing what you want, and some ways to make it easier. |
"Self Taught Halter Breaking" Advice for foal halter-break itself and teach itself to lead with no blow-ups or wrecks. |
"Starting Right" Importance of starting your horse right and giving him a firm foundation for the future. |
"Teaching a Horse to Lunge" Advice in answer to a young lady with a question about teaching her horse to lunge. |
"Teaching your horse to load - there has to be another way!" Teach your horse to trailer. Details the John Lyons approach and shows how it works. |
"Trailer Loading a Horse" Advice about loading a horse into a trailer. You can also link to a discussion on the forum. |
"Trailer Loading Troubles" Different leading positions techniques to use to overcome a horse's fear of tailoring. |
"Train Your Horse for Clipping" Tips on desensitizing, herd behavior and patience to train a horse to stand for clipping. |
"Alone Training" How to give a herd bound horse confidence so that he can be at ease away from the herd. |
"Bad Start" "Brownie", a 4 year old TB had a bad start, training & patience improved his confidence. |
Caring for Wild Horses, by B. Eustis-Cross For new horse adopters, information to settle their wild horse into a safe, domestic lifestyle. |
"Head Shaking in Horses" Some causes of the habit some horses get of head shaking and head tossing. |
Horsewhisperer Homepage The Web site includes clinic dates, press releases and the books and videos available. |
Jessica Jahiel: Holistic HorsemanshipÆ Holistic Horsemanship aims at producing a balance and harmony between horse and rider. |
Learn Your Donkey An index of articles on training your donkey to lead, load, pick up his feet etc. |
Bob Loomis Trainer and exhibitor. Information about training fees, horses for sale and more. |
John Lyons, Americas's Most Trusted Horseman Schedules of John's appearances, online registration form & monthly articles. |
"Planning a Schooling Show" Sound advice if you want to run a schooling show at your barn. |
Monty Roberts -- "The Man Who Listens to Horses" Read about the Join-Up process, order the book or the video and more. |
Slash W Barrel Horses This web site includes clinic information and more. |
"Too Attached" Well written advice on how to ease your horse's separation anxiety. |
"Vices of Horses" Reasons for, and the ways to lessen, the stable vices that some horses exhibit. |
Qualified Spotted Saddle Horse Inspector
Al & Niki Oliver Phone : (517) 263-1267 E-mail :
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